Our Services
Chiropractic health care is one of the largest primary contact health care professions in Canada. Many Canadians use the services of a Chiropractor each year for disorders related to the spine, pelvis, extremity joints and their effect on the nervous system.
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture is a peripheral nerve stimulation technique, in which fine acupuncture needles are inserted into anatomically defined sites and stimulated manually or with electricity for the therapeutic purpose of changing abnormal activity of the nervous system.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, consisting primarily of hands-on techniques such as applying pressure, holding and even moving muscles or other soft tissues.
Ultrasound Therapy
One of the therapeutic effects for which ultrasound has been used is in relation to tissue healing. It is suggested that the application of Ultrasound to injured tissues will, amongst other things, speed the rate of healing & enhance the quality of the repair.
Myofascial Release Technique
Myofascial Release therapy focuses on releasing muscular shortness and tightness. Many patients seek myofascial treatment after losing flexibility or function following an injury or if experiencing ongoing back, shoulder, hip, or virtually pain in any area containing soft tissue.
Motor Vehicle Accidents / Worker’s Compensation
Chesswood Wellness Clinic accepts patients involved in both motor vehicle accidents as well as workplace injuries. We are registered with both FSCO (Financial Services Commission Ontario) as well as with WSIB (Worker’s Safety Insurance Board) to deal directly with insurance companies on behalf of patients.
Chiropody Services
We have a foot specialist on staff to treat patients for various ailments of the foot. The role of these practitioners is to advise you on proper foot health. Chiropodists (foot specialists) can also treat fungal or ingrown toenails as well as calluses and corns, cracked heels and athlete’s foot.
Shockwave Therapy
We are proud to present a relatively new form of treatment in the field of orthopedic and rehabilitative medicine called Shockwave Therapy. The primary effect of a shockwave is a direct mechanical force as the wave’s energy passes through the tissue being treated. This results in a biological reaction within the cells of that tissue (inflammation) which triggers the body to accelerate its natural healing response and increase blood flow to the injured site.
Kinesio Taping
The Kinesio Taping Method is a rehabilitative taping technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion.